Best Funny Questions to Ask a Girl

Weird questions to ask a girl is one of the all-time way for a guy to embrace his weirdness. Don't bother hiding your truthful personality.

Opposite to a lot of assumptions, girls often like weird and having some weird questions to ask is only the way to testify you're that secretly weird daughter'southward perfect weird guy.

Past owning your weirdness upfront, you have a huge collections of questions to inquire a girl that don't but show who you are, they lead to far more interesting answers than those dull, traditional questions to inquire to appear like more of a square than you lot really are.

And so, embrace it, flaunt, and let her see how great your weirdness is by using some of our weird questions to go that conversation weirder and a lot more fun.


9 Best Weird Questions To Ask a Daughter

1. Would you rather habiliment clown shoes every day or a clown wig every day?

Some people tin can really make the style work for them.

2. When was the last time you screamed at the summit of your lungs?

Maybe she wants to give it a try correct now?

3. What would your dream bath await like?

Attain her secret interior decorator.

4. What ice-cream flavor is absolutely disgusting?

Find that perfect girl who truly hates vanilla.

5. Who'due south your favorite protagonist from an animated film?

A perfect question for those secret anime fans.

6. What is something about life that people don't appreciate as much equally they should?

A question that'due south a trivial deep...and a trivial weird.

7. What is the ugliest matter you own?

Go her to model it for you.

viii. You have $iii to spend at the dollar store, what 3 things practise you buy?

You lot may pick upwards a few cheap gift ideas here.

9. If y'all had to take a pie to the face, what flavor would information technology be?

Some other smashing way to get a the clown she's got hiding deep inside her.

8 Weird Conversation Starter Questions To Ask a Daughter

10. What would y'all grab if your business firm was on fire?

Find out what really matters among her possessions.

eleven. When you were little, what did y'all want to be when you grow up? And do y'all still want it?

Is she still post-obit the dream?

12. Are eyebrows considered facial hair?

The cracking philosophical question for the age.

13. At a moving-picture show theater which arm residue is yours?

We've all struggled with this one.

fourteen. Why are the petty styrofoam pieces called peanuts?

You'll have to look information technology upwardly, but you'll capture her attention.

15. Can a cemetery heighten its prices and blame it on the toll of living?

A bit of a morbid joke and an interesting question all in one.

xvi. Why practise dogs similar the smell of other dogs butts?

A question we're all undeniably curious virtually.

17. Do you wake up or open up your eyes first?

Information technology'll go her thinking, this one.

7 Weird Questions To Inquire a Daughter To Get To Know Her

18. What do you hope you grow out of?

Talk almost bad habits and future goals.

19. What is the healthiest and unhealthiest affair you lot practise on a regular basis?

See the all-time and worst of her.

xx. What was the worst appointment that you've e'er been on?

Have note and don't repeat.

21. Where would you like to retire?

Does she dream of a cozy or adventurous future?

22. What is something you used to do equally a child that you wish you could still do?

Nostalgia and a footling reminiscence all in this one question.

23. Where is the one place in the earth you feel condom?

If she tells you lot, you know she feels shut to you.

24. Anybody has a mission in life. What exercise you lot think your mission is?

What is her purpose co-ordinate to her?

half-dozen Weird Random Questions To Ask a Girl

Hither are 6 weird random questions to enquire a girl:

25. How come cats butts go up when you lot pet them?

She won't be able to pet her true cat again without thinking about it.

26. If a criminal turns himself in, shouldn't he get the reward money?

It simply seems fair.

27. Why Does Pluto Live in a dog house, consume dog food, etc. just Goofy, who is besides a domestic dog, lives in a condo and drives a car? And, why is Mickey Mouse bigger than his dog Pluto?

Welcome to the bizarre world of Disney.

28. If nobody buys a ticket to a movie do they still show it?

Offer to sneak into a movie with her and find out.

29. Would y'all nonetheless like me if I was a pes shorter?

Brusque guys beware of this one.

30. Tennis shoes, loftier heels, or flip flops?

Tells you what kind of girl she is in a unmarried question.

vi Weird Interesting Questions to Ask a Girl

31. What do you buy at the processed shop?

Get a line on her sweet tooth for later surprise treats.

32. If your love life could exist described in eggs, what kind of eggs would it be?

Make her call back a flake before telling yous how love is going.

33. How would you react if I started dressing similar a pirate?

Careful. This may atomic number 82 to a major fashion overall if she loves pirates.

34. Exercise you believe in ghosts?

This may lead to a laugh or a serious conversation.

35. What'due south your favorite child's cereal?

Is she nonetheless sneaking Frosted Flakes in the forenoon?

36. What 5 things do you ever have with you?

Observe out the things she tin can't alive without.

5 Weird and Funny Questions to Ask a Girl

37. If you were going to chug a 2 liter of any drink, what would it be?

Cartel her to do it to get an extra laugh.

38. Have yous ever establish a pizza commitment guy attractive?

The best question to ask if you happy to deliver pizzas.

39. Me, a squirrel, and a panda: punch one, hug 1, buss one.

Just hope to miss out on that punch.

xl. What is your favorite way to eat a irish potato?

Is she a fry girl or a baked murphy girl?

41. In your opinion, is it mentally possible for a person like both cats and dogs?

Strong feelings for sure on this ane.

5 Weird Questions To Ask a Girl You Tin Also Inquire Guys

42. What's something you've done that yous would try to dissuade anyone from doing?

Get a really interesting horror story out of this one.

43. What is the most useful thing your mom or dad has taught you?

Get some homespun wisdom here.

44. What's your most impressive "go to" repast that you can melt?

You lot might get a groovy recipe with this question.

45. Do you think astrology is crazy or accurate?

Turn this into a reading if they're game.

46. What is your favorite twenty-four hour period of the week?

Information technology says a lot virtually how they see their lives.

8 Weird Questions to Ask a Girl Over Text

47. Who is your celebrity shell?

Answered in a few words, but it'll tell you lot a lot.

48. Would you rather know the world is coming to an end or be completely oblivious to it?

The kind of question that tin change a text into a phone call really apace.

49. Do you lot call up I'm as sexy as I think am?

Send it, but just promise the reply is yes!

50. Have you lot ever dropped food on the floor and then picked information technology up and eat it?

If she says yep, y'all know she'south the girl for you.

51. Would you rather sit in snow while it's falling or trip the light fantastic toe in the rain?

A nice romantic epitome sent through text.

52. Are you keeping a big secret from someone?

She may but let you in on it.

53. Favorite curse word?

She'll love texting it out.

54. Name the top five things to take with you during a zombie outbreak.

Perhaps one of them volition exist you.

viii Weird Questions to Inquire a Girl You Like

55. Would you describe yourself every bit naughty or nice?

Find out at present and plan accordingly.

56. What would yous do if you could exist invisible for one day?

Discover out how sneaky (or kinky) she happens to be.

57. Do you always forward or respond to chain mails?

Get the inside scoop on her deepest underground.

58. Have you ever passed air current in an embarrassing state of affairs?

With the right girl, this will lead to a great story.

59. Have you always been approached by someone who knew you lot but you couldn't remember them for the life of you?

A safer mode to go a skillful, funny story.

60. Exercise you have any hush-hush family recipes?

Go her to make any the recipe is.

61. What's your favourite fruit?

Perhaps you can share ane afterwards.

62. If yous could shop for free at any shop, which shop would you choose and why?

She's giving y'all all the info you need for gift cards in the futurity.

7 Weird Questions To Enquire Your Girlfriend

63. What are your three weaknesses?

Make her stick to iii so she really has to retrieve.

64. Where would you continue a free trip?

Continue that thought in mind for a surprise trip.

65. Practise you remember a person'southward past is important?

It'due south an invitation to either get into the past or go out it behind forever.

66. Where did y'all go on your first aeroplane ride?

Fix her off on a great piece of her history.

67. What'due south your favorite midnight snack?

Buy information technology for her and share it together next time.

68. T.5. show yous secretly enjoy?

Sit downwardly and marathon information technology together.

69. Do you go online when feeling bad to diagnose your affliction?

A great segue into some stories of her (and your) comical overreaction to a headache.

vii Weird simply Deep Questions to Inquire a Girl

70. Does expecting the unexpected brand the unexpected the expected?

A bit of a mind pretzel for her to work through.

71. Which would y'all rather be in, an insane asylum or prison? Why?

A tough, weird question with profound answers.

72. Have you passed up any chances that you at present regret? What were they?

Thrown out at a weird, unexpected moment, you may get a very existent answer.

73. If yous were told y'all would live forever, what would you change almost your life?

How do you lot organize a life that never ends?

74. Would you lot lie to your friend or spouse for a large sum of money? How much?

How much is honesty worth to this person?

75. Do you lot really savour wearing make-upwards or do you practise so because of peer pressure level?

A question every daughter has an opinion on.

76. Are some people's lives worth more than others? Why or why not?

Weird, and yet everyone has an respond fifty-fifty if they've never thought most information technology.

5 weird ice breaker questions

77. What'southward the toughest conclusion you lot ever made?

Oftentimes something gained comes at huge sacrifice.

78. What take y'all forgotten?

Put some expert old pressure on them to remember on the spot.

79. How many times a solar day do you wait in the mirror?

Are they admiring themselves or combing over their insecurities obsessively?

80. What do you bring most to a friendship?

Y'all'll know speedily whether they are capable of your quality level of friendship by what yous reply. You'll besides see if they're able to give themselves plenty credit. Are they afraid to ask for what they need or exercise they see their job as giving and giving and giving in relationships?

81. What makes y'all feel supported?

This is a beautiful question to inquire. A relationship tin be and so tremendously enhanced when both members experience permission to name and ask for what they demand to feel supported and believe that they deserve to be then.

Downloadable and Printable List of Weird Questions to Ask a Girl

Hither is a downloadable and printable list of weird questions to ask a girl (right click the image and select Salvage Image Every bit...):

How to Ask Weird Questions To Ask a Girl

To ensure your weird questions get the response you're looking for, you lot need to brand sure y'all have all the all-time tips.

Hither is how to ask weird questions to enquire a daughter:

1. Get a Experience for the Daughter

Is this a daughter that would like a weird question? Earlier you think of a weird question to ask a daughter, make certain she'd exist receptive.

ii. Cull a Great Weird Moment

Y'all may want it to be a sudden question in a grouping, or a question when you're both solitary. Either fashion, cull your moment beforehand.

3. Use the Correct Weird Question

Pick the question that matches the daughter and the moment. And have some backups.

iv. Ask with Confidence

Any your question, you always get the best response when you enquire with confidence.

v. Wearable Your Weirdness Proudly No Matter the Response

Let's exist honest, you're asking weird questions because you're a chip weird. Be proud of it. Ain it. Whether she loves the question or non.

More Great Questions To Ask

Having weird questions are bang-up, only they aren't the simply kind of questions you want to have on mitt. Encompass all your question bases with these question options:

  1. Get a chat going with a new set of ice breaker questions.
  2. Utilise interesting questions to show simply how interesting you lot are.
  3. Test your friends or that special someone with a set of almost likely to questions at your disposal.
  4. Endeavour out some truth or cartel questions to acquire a little more than about someone and have a lot of fun.
  5. Find out how daring she is with never accept i ever questions.

In Decision

When you desire to throw a girl a curve ball, at that place's nothing meliorate than having a few weird questions to ask a handy.

These are different than the standard onetime questions to ask for your average conversation. In this case, you want to wait a bit weird and go her to give a bit of a weird, and unique, reply.

But when you have some weird questions to ask, y'all need to make certain those are the best questions to inquire a girl to get the best possible answer.

To pull that off, but use some of the questions above. These questions have been tested time and over again to go but the kind of weird response you're looking for.


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